Complaints Procedure

In order to ensure our services remain at a high and improving standard, we have a procedure by which you can let us know of any reason why you are not satisfied with us or our dealings with you. The emphasis in this Complaints Procedure is on informality, with the object of solving problems quickly, simply and fairly. It is hoped that the great majority of issues can be settled amicably straight away.

How to make a complaint

If you have a complaint it is often best to start by talking to the relevant staff member. However, we
recognise that this may be difficult or inappropriate. If this is the case, then please contact our department heads:

If your complaint relates to one of the department heads,please contact the Chief Executive, Marcel Baettig on 020 8709 5297;

Often we will be able to give you a response straight away. When the matter is more complicated we will
give you at least an initial response within five working days.

Making a written complaint

If your complaint needs to be looked into further, you will normally be asked to put your complaint in
writing. We accept anonymous complaints, but it is often very difficult to investigate these properly. It is
easier for us to handle your complaint if you provide as much detail as possible. All written complaints will be logged and you will receive a written acknowledgement within five working days.

Our aim is to investigate your complaint properly and resolve the matter fully within thirty working days.

Our aim is to investigate your complaint properly and resolve the matter fully within thirty working days.
If you are not satisfied with our response and wish to take the matter further, please email the Chief
Executive, Marcel Baettig, on

If after the Chief Executive has responded you still feel that the matter is not resolved, please email the Chair of Trustees, Cath Smith, who will report the matter to the next full Trustees Committee meeting. The Committee will decide on any further steps to resolve the situation. Cath can be reached at