Teacher sit round a table working with clay

Teacher CPD

Inspire your team through hands-on sessions with professional artists that equip staff with the skills and confidence to lead arts-based activities in the classroom. 

School is potentially a wonderful place to make art because somebody else is telling you what to do and you don’t have to make all the decisions.

School is also potentially a terrible place to make art because somebody else is telling you what to do and you don’t get to make all the decisions.

As teachers, you are defining the space within which to create things, not defining the thing that’s made.

Esther Neslen, Bow Arts artist

How we design CPD training

Teacher Continued Professional Development (CPD) training can be one-off sessions, whole INSET days, or a series of workshops. The focus of our teacher CPD ranges from specific skill development – training staff to use new tools, mediums or techniques – to strengthening their delivery in the classroom. They can also be designed to support your staff’s creative approach and planning, providing deeper understanding of how to integrate art into other subject areas. 

Teachers learning how to weave
Teachers from learning how to weave Oje de dios

“My practice tomorrow will be different because of what I have learnt today”

Primary Art Lead

Upcoming CPD workshops and events

How your school benefits

  • Skills development, increasing teaching confidence
  • Inspiring staff with the confidence and resources to teach more creatively
  • Creative culture embedded throughout the school
  • Higher quality teaching, raising attainment amongst students
  • Cross-curricular links, supporting a creative curriculum

“Staff said this was the best INSET they had ever had. I would agree.”

Deputy Headteacher

Project costs

From £353.05. Costs vary depending on the number of sessions.

Find out more about our Teacher CPD offer by emailing learning@bowarts.com.

“I learnt that art can inspire lessons from all areas of the curriculum. Very enjoyable and informative. Thanks!” 

Primary Teacher

Past projects