Children at William Bellamy worked with the artist known as The Fandangoe Kid to create a hopscotch inspired by their school values.

Bow Arts artist educator The Fandangoe Kid worked with pupils from William Bellamy Primary School to envision an inspiring artwork based on the traditional game of hopscotch for the pupils to play with and enjoy.
As part of the project, the pupils took part in a series of fun, creative workshops to make sure they had a say in the artwork’s design. The workshops focused on wellbeing, and the children worked with text and affirmations relating to the school’s values: respect, equality, ambition, compassion, resilience, confidence, and curiosity, to make artwork using painting and collage techniques.
‘I wasn’t really good at painting and drawing but I’m better now and I can paint things without drawing’
Pupil at William Bellamy Primary School

The children thought imaginatively about the visual design of the hopscotch. The process the artwork challenged pupils to explore colour, pattern, shape and composition, as well as find affirmations that felt encouraging to them. The workshops gave them a chance to communicate and express these ideas through their artworks.
The presence of the hopscotch in the playground makes the affirmations available to pupils every day, helping to boost their confidence and self-esteem. In this project the children learnt about the stages of a creative brief to design permanent artwork and participated in creating artwork for their school environment.
Find inspiration from our other school projects here: Primary & early years – Bow Arts
‘I enjoyed it because you’re allowed to let your thoughts go on to the paper’
Pupil at William Bellamy Primary School