Artist educator helps a student build a structure

Artist cover & artist residencies

Our artist cover for planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) and artist residencies provide opportunities for long-term collaboration with an artist. You can work flexibly with an artist to enrich curriculum delivery, support skills development and embed a creative culture in your school.

How does it work?

One artist can lead a number of classes across nominated days, releasing staff individually for their dedicated PPA time. Alternatively, a group of artists can lead different classes simultaneously, releasing staff for joint year group or phase PPA time. Artists can be rotated half-termly or termly, providing a varied and progressive programme of skills development across the year. A residency can be anything from a few weeks to a full academic year and beyond, with an artist working with you regularly.

Students develop sustained relationships with practising artists who provide excellent arts-based learning, meaning you can take on more ambitious arts projects and enhance the skill development of your students. 

“The children are gaining access to a far richer curriculum.” 

Year 4 teacher

How your school benefits

  • Specialist Art and Design curriculum provision and support 
  • Long term partnerships with artists, allowing for more ambitious projects
  • Creative culture embedded throughout the school
  • Development of student’s skills, raising attainment
  • Inspiring staff with the skills, confidence and resources to teach more creatively
  • Cross-curricular links, supporting a creative curriculum

“By working with an expert, the children’s outcomes have been of a much higher standard than usual.”

Class teacher and year group leader

Project costs

From £284.60 a day and £79.05 for planning and review meetings. Costs vary depending on the number of class groups and workshops.

Find out more about artist cover for PPA or artist residencies, by emailing

“Our children are making exceptional progress, learning new skills and developing positive attitudes. They are encouraged to think independently and apply their learning.”

Pupils play in a wooden structure, that resembles a house

Create a vibrant enviornment with permanent artworks

Why not use this extended time with artists to create permanent artworks for your school building?

‘Bow Arts make a huge difference to our Art provision at our school’

Deputy Headteacher