Read about our successful celebration of our Thamesmead Consortium, now in its second year.

The Learning team at Bow Arts hosted a Thamesmead Celebration exhibition to showcase artwork created by pupils from two local primary schools throughout the 2023-2024 Thamesmead Consortium.
We worked with our Thamesmead Consortium schools to plan and deliver a range of artist days and teacher CPD sessions, reaching over 300 pupils and over 50 teachers.
The schools enjoyed a daytrip to The Nest Library, for the young people to reflect and celebrate their artistic achievements alongside teachers, parents and guardians. Banners, mono-prints, and drawings brought the venue to life!

‘I am so glad I did [the artwork] so that I can be an inspiration to other people’
The children took turns in groups to participate in multimedia workshops with Bow Arts artists educators Will Redgrove and James Randell who both led creative workshops at the schools during the partnership year.
James led a workshop during which pupils participated in mono printing and collagraph through his portable etching press, using natural materials and scrap.

‘I am so proud of what I did’
Meanwhile, Will’s workshop focused on creating beetles and other small insects through interactive drawing and collage activities.

Our Consortia programmes are developed to respond to schools’ unique needs — with a mixture of creative sessions, teacher CPD and the opportunity for young people to achieve Arts Award accreditation.
Discover more about our Consortia offers here: Consortia model – Bow Arts
Consortia model
Work together with neighbouring schools to create inspirational learning opportunities for young people.