A student takes a photo of a lit up installation

Skill development

Strengthen your Art and Design curriculum with skills-based projects, led by specialist artist educators. 

“I have learnt how to experiment with different materials and to come out of my safe zone in art.”

Year 11 Student

Skill-based projects

Our artists work with your students to develop skills, techniques and understanding in a specific medium, process or technique. 

Skills-based projects are tailored to your school priorities and aims. Workshops explore any desired medium including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, and more, working with an artist who is a specialist in this area.

Our skills-based projects can be standalone or integrated with an art and design scheme of work. They can be aimed at a targeted learner group, year group or key stage to support students’ progression, creating the perfect project for you.

“Working with artists has re-invigorated both myself and my teaching.”

Head of Art

How your school benefits

  • Development of students’ skills, raising attainment
  • Enhance and enrich curriculum provision 
  • Tailored opportunities for targeted learner groups, such as GCSE or A Level students
  • Option to accredit through Arts Award
  • Artist-led practical making workshops with students

“The students were focused and engaged at all times. They had a great opportunity to express and develop their creativity and learn a lot about self-management, team spirit and work. Students learnt new artistic styles and produced beautiful pieces of art.”

Year 8 Teacher

Project Costs

From £353.05. Costs vary depending on the number of class groups and workshops.

Find out more about skill development projects, by emailing learning@bowarts.com.

Teacher sit round a table working with clay

Combine this project with a Staff Inset or CPD session

Have you considered combining a skills based project with a staff INSET or CPD session to develop skills in parallel to the activities the students take part in?

Past projects