Enrich your curriculum through skills and topic based arts projects.
“I learnt that you can use your imagination and go wild. Bow Arts is the best!”
Year 5 student
Skills based
Our artists work with your students to develop skills, techniques and understanding of a specific artform.
Skills based projects are tailored to your school priorities and aims. They can explore any desired medium including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, and more, working with an artist who is an expert in this area.
Skills based programmes can be standalone projects or can be used to explore topics to enhance subjects and support cross-curricular learning.
“The level of attainment was WELL above and beyond KS1.”
Year 1 teacher

Topic based
Use the arts as a tool for engagement and to reinforce curriculum content through topic-based arts projects. Artists work to explore your school subjects or topics through exciting arts programming.
All projects are tailored to school subjects or topics, and can be delivered through a chosen artistic medium, such as painting, drawing, printmaking, photography and more. Project lengths can vary depending on aims and number of classes. Session lengths and frequency is flexible and can be decided by the school and artist.
“The project gave us different approaches to teaching Black History.”
Year 6 teacher
How your school benefits
- Creative culture embedded throughout the school
- Development of students’ skills, raising attainment
- Cross-curricular links, supporting a creative curriculum
- Artist-led practical making workshops with students
- Option to accredit through Arts Award
“The use of art in such direct combination with another curriculum area was inspiring for me. It allowed for lots of storytelling, and more points of access for students with different interests and skills.”
Lead artist
Project costs:
From £353.05. Costs vary depending on the number of class groups and workshops.
Email learning@bowarts.com to find out more about skills and topic based projects.

Have you thought about an artist residency?
Why not combine skills and topic based programming into an artist residency?